About "Knocking it off"
Q: What is "Knocking it Off?"
A: "Knocking it Off" is a blog dedicated to sharing our ideas on how to decorate your space for "as free as can be."
You want to decorate
+ You want to be organized
+ You don't have money
We'll show you how
Q: What is "as free as can be?"
A: "As free as can be" is a price. It's our price. It is what we want to pay. We choose to pay little to nothing (free). It is the price we call "as free as can be."
Q: Who are we?
A: We are 2 sisters (at heart). Our husbands are brothers, and therefore we are sisters-in-law. Originally from Hawaii, we now reside in Queen Creek (a.k.a. San Tan Valley) in Arizona. Our past circumstances have taught us how to be extremely frugal. With the desire to organize and beautify our spaces, we have learned how to be resourceful. We have become experts at "Knocking it Off" and finding things for "as free as can be." (To learn a little more about Mileka and Brandi-Lee, click to see our pages)